Radix Coffee Wonders of Nature in the Delicious Taste
Eliminate Joint Pain and lumbago and rheumatic arthritis disease occurs results from inflammation caused by an imbalance in temperature. This imbalance has led to excess temperature asid (acidity), such as uric acid that causes gout. Radix coffee will work diuretic (increasing urine) by balancing the temperature and asid. There are many testimonials that tell the excess use of Radix that can eliminate back pain and knee. Fever HotCoffee Drinks Radix will relieve fever if taken about the first time since the material in Radix will increase imuniti system to kill germs that invade the body. The content of bioflavonoids will increase the return activity imuniti cells by accelerating the movement to a place with an infection. Coffee Drinks Radix will cause the urine to many, sweating and felt thirsty. Thirst is making the patient drink plenty of water in which the body temperature will re-stabilize.
Smallpox / Cancer Materials known as quassinoid contained in anti-tumor Radix is a material that can eliminate smallpox in the brain. This is reinforced by the study Dr. Aziz Hamid from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in 2000. In testimony is the case, the HPA has a record of smallpox in the brain heal after patients were given Radix with Omega3 and Spirulina.
Radix For Women Radix has antioxidant substances that may neutralize free radicals that cause various diseases. For women who face the problem of vaginal discharge, discharge of this liquid can be eliminated by just drinking coffee Radix, as well as senggugut. Radix coffee has detoxifying properties which can remove toxicity in the liver (l ever ) and improve blood circulation. For women the menopause, they need pytoestrogen and calcium for bones and this bterdapat in Coffee Radix.
Coffee Radix For Patients Diabetes and High Blood Radix also contain adequatebetasitosterol and stigmasterol , who works as hypoglycemic (menurunkankadar sugar). Diuretic Double Strength Coffee making Radix is also used to treat hypertension.
Coffee Radix To Power Impression aphrodisiac to increase power and very good man when synergized with Omega3. How does it work? One study conducted at the Universiti Malaya (UM) showed that rats given 480% Radix showed the addition of male hormones when female rats gave birth to male children over female children with a ratio of 3:1.
Radix coffee contain adequate seven herbs options : 1. Tongkat Ali / pegs Earth (aphrodisiac / ANTIOXIDANT) for energy and fertility 2. Eye Pelanduk (diuretic) for joint problems 3. Teja Lawang (carminative) for balancing the wind 4. Sugarcane Elephant (antidote) to eliminate the poisoning 5. Mengkudu Forest (LAXATIF) for digestion 6. Halban (IMUNITI) to maintain stamina and immunity of the body 7. Larak Forest (cardiotonic) to increase milk
Composition: 15 sachets per box
Dosage : May be taken so the 6 sachets a day